Cheaper Than Anywhere Online

Customer Feedback

I initially purchased this with the intention of using it as a night table accessory for a DIY project I was working on. However, I ultimately chose a different product for that specific purpose and ended up finding a delightful array of applications for this versatile set. From crafting vases to securing my iPhone in its clip case, these felts have proven to be incredibly handy. With a variety of sizes and countless possible uses, I'm thrilled with my purchase and eagerly anticipate using these felts for future small projects.

Ada D.

After completing the renovation of our house, we recently moved our furniture back in. Thanks to the diverse range of user-friendly protection options, we and the movers could effortlessly grab the pads and apply them to each piece of furniture as it was being brought into the house. This made the entire process considerably less stressful, and as we reposition the furniture, we can be confident that our floors remain well protected.

Satellite Girl

I was extremely pleased with these felt pads. I bought the set with various sizes to use under my furniture, which includes both light and heavy pieces. So far, they have all fit well and are performing admirably. These pads are doing an excellent job safeguarding my floors, and their adhesive appears to be strong. I wholeheartedly recommend them!


Our previous felt pads were the sticky black cap type. They served us well for a few years but, as they aged, they left marks on our floors and eventually fell apart. While these new ones require a bit of strength and effort to install, I'm still thoroughly impressed after two months of use. They glide smoothly on the floor and are exceptionally high-quality. We're very satisfied.


Simple to install, these pads keep my office chair from sliding when I sit down or stand up on a wooden floor.


If you have hardwood floors and rely on felt foot pads to "safeguard your flooring," I strongly urge you to discontinue and switch to these flexible plastic "booties." They easily conform to the chair feet, offer excellent gliding ability, and have proven to be the ideal solution for our needs. I wholeheartedly recommend them.


We've recently completed the refinishing of the hardwood floors in our new home. As we've been acquiring new furniture to furnish it, this felt pad assortment has proven to be invaluable. It comes in both black and brown to complement various pieces. The felt itself is soft, and the adhesive on the back is reliably sticky, provided that the furniture isn't aged and there isn't excessive surface dust.


Adored the range of sizes and the straightforward installation process!


Appreciated the diverse choices, and these pads adhered to the furniture securely.


This generous assortment, featuring a variety of sizes, is fantastic. I appreciate the ease with which they adhere, particularly after installing new floors. They also facilitate smooth furniture sliding.



X-Protector は、フェルト パッド、滑り止めパッド、ラグ グリッパー、家具スライダー、キャスター カップ、フロア コード カバー、および釘付け式家具パッドのメーカーです。

X-Protector ブランドは、ご自宅を住みやすい場所にするための最良のソリューションを提供します。必要なサイズ、色、形、目的に合わせて、さまざまなタイプのフロア プロテクター、コード カバー、家具移動ツールを提供しています。 。

当社のフェルト家具パッド、家具脚カップ、釘留め家具パッドは、素敵な床のさまざまな傷や擦り傷を防ぎ、その他の損傷から床を保護します。当社の滑り止めパッドと家具カップは、床を傷つけることなくすべての家具を所定の位置に保つのに最適な方法です。 X-Protector ラグ グリッパーを使用すると、ラグやカーペットが常に動くことを心配する必要がなくなります。当社のカーペット スライダーと堅木張りの床スライダーは、家の中で必要な家具を簡単かつ迅速に移動できるため、時間とエネルギーを節約できます。当社のフロア コード カバーは、必要な場所でのケーブルの混乱に対処するのに役立ちます。

当社の製品はすべて高品質の素材で作られており、非常に耐久性があるため、家具フロアプロテクター、ケーブルプロテクター、家具スライダーはすべて長期間使用できます。 X-Protector 製品は床のあらゆる種類の表面に適しているため、ご自宅に最適な製品が必ず見つかります。さらに、複数回使用したり、さまざまな家具に合わせて使用​​したりできるため、X-Protector は顧客を大切にする完璧なブランドです。


X-Protector は、人々が想像できるほど快適で美しい家づくりをお手伝いする意欲を持って、丁寧に製品を作成しています。
